Logo BIF 2023

November 7-8

Brasilia, Brazil

Womam, Trees Satalites
Solar Panel, Womam and Trees

Invest in the largest economy in Latin America: Discover the opportunities of Brazil

Brazil is an attractive and thriving market, the 3rd largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the world (OECD - 2022), the largest in Latin America, with USD 85 billion, an increase of almost 70% compared to the USD50 billion recorded in 2021.

In its 6th edition, the Brasil Investment Forum (BIF), the largest event for foreign investment attraction in Latin America, will take place on November 7 and 8, at ‘Palácio Itamaraty’, in Brasilia, Brazil.


This year, besides showcasing great investment opportunities and addressing the Brazilian business environment, the event will introduce the new administration´s proposals and ongoing projects, especially those concerned with sustainability and industrialization themes, as well as various topics such as technology, innovation, and equity investment initiatives.


In a new and dynamic social and economic context, the BIF is the result of a partnership among the Brazilian Federal Government, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil).


BIF 2023 is an invitation only event.

Speakers 2023

Meet the Speakers


Brasilia Time, UTC -3

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony


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Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

President of the Federative Republic of Brazil

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Jorge Viana

President of ApexBrasil

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Geraldo Alckmin

Vice-President of Brazil and Minister for Development, Industry, Trade and Services

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Ilan Goldfajn

President of Inter-American Development Bank

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Mauro Vieira

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Fernando Haddad

Minister of Finance

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Rui Costa

Chief of Staff of the Brazilian Presidency

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Marina Silva

Minister of Environment and Climate Change

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Carlos Fávaro

Minister of Agriculture and Livestock

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Aloizio Mercadante

President of BNDES

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Márcio França

Minister of Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small Business


Keynote Session

Keynote Session


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Fernando Haddad

Minister of Finance

Brazil on the Path to the Future

Panel 1

Brazil on the Path to the Future


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Fernando Exman


Bureau Chief at Valor

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Anabel González

Vice President for Countries - IDB

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Johannes Zutt

Country Director for Brazil of the World Bank

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Uallace Moreira

Secretário de Desenvolvimento Industrial, Inovação, Comércio e Serviços, MDIC

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Marcelo Marangon

Citi Country Officer, Citibank Brazil

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Caio Megale

Chief Economist at XP Investimentos

Lunch Break

Private Investment with a Socio-economic Impact

Panel 2

IDB Session: Private Investment with a Socio-economic Impact


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James Scriven


CEO of BID Invest

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Patrícia Leisnock

CFO of Albert Einstein Hospital

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Nadja Brandão

Executive Director of {reprograma}

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André Pires

CFO and Director of Investor Relations at AEGEA Saneamento

Infrastructure: Routes That Will Make the Economy Grow

Panel 3

Infrastructure: Routes That Will Make the Economy Grow


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Ana Maria Pinto


Chief of the Transport Division at the Inter-American Development Bank (IBD)

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Maurício Muniz

Special Secretary for Articulation and Monitoring, Civil House

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Renan Filho

Minister of Transport

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Gustavo Gardini

Head of Global Partnerships and Sustainable Investments of the Deutsche Bahn E.C.O. group

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José Serrador Neto

Global Vice President of Institutional Relations, Embraer

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Pedro Archer

Vice President of Governance, Risks, Compliance, and ESG, CCR Group.


The Power of Regional Opportunities

Panel 4

The Power of Regional Opportunities


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María Florencia Attademo-Hirt


General Manager, Country Department Southern Cone of the Inter-American Development Bank

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Eduardo Riedel

Governor of Mato Grosso do Sul

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Nelson Barbosa

Director of Planning and Structuring of Projects at the BNDES

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Rogério Zampronha

CEO - Prumo Logística

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Waldez Góes

Minister of Regional Integration and Development

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Marcela Carvalho

Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce Exterior – CAMEX

The Construction of a New Industry

Panel 5

The Construction of a New Industry


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Luciano Pádua


Editor - Exame

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Verena Hitner Barros

Executive secretary of the National Industrial Development Council (CNDI).

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François Dossa

Executive Director - Jaguar Land Rover

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Eduardo Leite

Governor of Rio Grande do Sul

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José Luis Gordon

BNDES Director of Productive Development, Innovation and Foreign Trade

Keynote Session

Keynote Session


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Aloizio Mercadante

President of BNDES

Amazon: Business and Inclusive Development

Panel 6

Amazon: Business and Inclusive Development


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Kennedy Alencar


Journalist - Rede TV

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Juliana Lopes

Director of Nature and Society at CEBDS

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Juan Pablo Bonilla

Manager of Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector - IDB

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Paulo Monteiro dos Reis

Partner at Manioca and president of the Amazon Bioeconomy Business Association

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Carlos Nobre

Senior researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of the University of São Paulo (USP)

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Helder Barbalho

Governor of Pará

MOU and Investment Announcements

MOU and Investment Announcements


Impact Investments and ESG Agenda: Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Panel 7

Impact Investments and ESG Agenda: Solutions for a Sustainable Future


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Luiz Gabriel Todt de Azevedo


Chief Strategy Officer do BID Invest

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Rodrigo Rollemberg

Secretary of Green Economy, Decarbonization and Bioindustry at the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC).

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Alessandra Del Debbio

Assistant General Counsel from Microsoft Latin America

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Gabriela Bertol

Head of Government Affairs at Santander Bank

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Yasutoshi Miyoshi

President of Hitachi South America

Agrorevolution: Productivity with Sustainability

Panel 8

Agrorevolution: Productivity with Sustainability


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Guillermo Foscarini


Managing Director of Corporates Division (interim) for IDB Invest

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Carlos Fávaro

Minister of Agriculture and Livestock

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Abdulrahman T. Bakir

Managing director of Americas at Saudi Ministry of Investment

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Emily Rees

President & CEO of CropLife International

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Silvia Massruha

President of Embrapa

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Carolina Graça

Head of Sustainability from Bayer Crop Science Latam

Lunch Break

Energy Transition: Brazil Goes Green

Panel 9

Energy Transition: Brazil Goes Green


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Ana Paula Repezza


Business Director of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency

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Luciana Costa

Director of Infrastructure, Energy Transition and Climate Change of BNDES.

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Jonathan Knott

His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Latin America and the Caribbean and Consul General in São Paulo for the UK

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Claudio Borges Teophilo Gaspar Oliveira

Vice President of Institutional Relations at Raízen

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Leandro Albuquerque

Substitute Secretary, National Secretariat for Energy Transition and Planning, MME

Venture Capital: The Potential of Brazilian Entrepreneurs

Panel 10

Venture Capital: The Potential of Brazilian Entrepreneurs


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Tomas Lopes-Teixeira


Chief Strategy Officer, BID Lab

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Ana Fontes

President of Rede Mulher Empreendedora (RME)

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Maitê Lourenço

General Partner at YA Ventures

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Natália Maria Rapassi Dias Melo

Director of Capital Markets and Sustainable Finance, BNDES 

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Valdir Oliveira

Capitalization and Financial Services Unit Manager - Sebrae


Science And Innovation in the Service of Health

Panel 11

Science And Innovation in the Service of Health


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Norberto Prestes


Executive President of ABIQUIFI

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Nísia Trindade

Minister of Health

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Meiruze Sousa Freitas

Director - Second Directory, Anvisa

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Henrique Neves

General Manager, Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein

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Guilherme Marques

CEO Latin America, Siemens Healthineers

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Mathieu Fitoussi

CEO Servier Brazil

Brazil: Shaping Growth and International Insertion

Panel 12

Brazil: Shaping Growth and International Insertion


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Martha Beck


Repórter responsável pela cobertura do Ministério da Fazenda para a Bloomberg

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Tatiana Prazeres

Brazil’s Foreign Trade Secretary at the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC)

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Fabrizio Opertti

Manager of the Integration and Trade Sector - IDB

Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks




Brasil Investment Forum

The Brasil Investment Forum 2022 highlighted the Investment opportunities in strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy, such as infrastructure, energy, agribusiness, technology and innovation.

  • +6,500 Registrations
  • +70  Speakers
  • +100 Countries Represented



BID; ApexBrasil; MDIC; Governo Federal
Apex Brazil
Ministério das relações exteriores
Ministério do desenvolvimento, indústria, comércio e serviços
Governo Federal Brasil. União e Reconstrução

Patrocinador Oficial
